“Jesus gave thanks”

And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, “This is my body which is given for you: This do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.” —Luke 22:19-20
We observed the Thanksgiving holiday with a big family dinner. We traveled out of town to be with family and friends. And when the hour for the dinner had come, I found myself hungry and wondering when we would actually get to start eating! Then, I was reminded of my desire to be both thankful and full of praise for God this time around. As I refocused on that idea, I thought about the Last Supper. I thought about today—first Sunday…Communion Sunday, and what it might have to do with Thanksgiving.
Scripture tells us that at the Last Supper, when Jesus knew the hour of his death was soon to come, He gave thanks! Jesus knew why he had come to earth. He knew his purpose at that time. He demonstrated to all present at this supper how he was to be the Passover Lamb—the one to die for the atonement of our sins! Jesus understood who he was and what was about to happen to him and why. He was to be our redeemer, the one who would be tortured and beaten, and he gave thanks!
These days, when we celebrate Thanksgiving, many of us make a point to express our gratitude. We often say grace and give thanks before our meals, but the Thanksgiving meal is especially marked by thankfulness. It is the Last Supper that serves as the historical example for how we as Christians give thanks, especially every Thanksgiving.
So, today, with thoughts of Thanksgiving still fresh in our hearts and minds, remember to be thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Remember to give thanks for your salvation. Remember to give thanks for God’s Holy Spirit.
Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever. —Psalms 136:26