“We are the Light of the World”

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” –Matthew 5:14-16
As Prophetess and I were talking recently, she remarked to me how our being the light of the world meant so much more than we might actually imagine when we first read Matthew 5:14-16. Light dispels darkness. Light is of God, and the darkness…well, we have an idea that darkness is sin and of satan. It is ignorance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and typically means something negative. Light, on the other hand, usually refers to godliness, goodness, righteousness—everything that sin is not. Light is having knowledge of the hope of salvation. If we are to be the light of the world, then we must understand more about our responsibilities as light-bearers. It pricked my ears and my heart when Prophetess explained this fascinating thought about this scripture! “That light will draw them to Christ,” she said.
There are many people who are wandering around lost and in darkness. What will draw them to Christ if not our light? That light comes out as love and caring guidance. It is firm but not harsh. It is certain but not judgmental. It does not drive people away. It draws them, and over time, God does his work on the inner man. Our responsibility is not to save people, but to let our light shine before them—for the glory of God! Hallelujah!
I recall a song I learned in elementary school many years ago! It’s an interesting song that highlights the Beatitudes while including Matthew 5:14-16. The original lyrics have long since been changed by the author, but I still recall them. (If you look up the song by Jean Anthony Greif, you will likely only find the updated words.) I have listed the original chorus as a reminder for every one of us about why we are to be the light of the world.
We are the light of the world;
may our light shine before men,
that they may seek salvation in Christ,
and give glory to God.
As this Christmas season quickly approaches, and as all of the colorful bright holiday lights shine all around us, be sure you are letting your light shine! As disciples of Christ, we should be drawing others to Christ so they might seek salvation. Let your light shine brightly during this holiday season, and help draw others to Christ.
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