“Praise God! We Are Saved!”

The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” –Matthew 21:9 (NIV)
This time last year, many churches were handing out palm fronds for their Palm Sunday service. The idea that this season would be spent in various stages of quarantine throughout the nation was the farthest thing from our minds. Despite wishful thinking that we might be back to our somewhat normal routines by Easter, we are not. We are entering Holy Week, and we are as entrenched in our homes as ever—maybe even more so since the pandemic statistics continue to rise. Nevertheless, we celebrate on this Palm Sunday. But why? How?
That day, scripture tells us, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and as he entered the city, a multitude of people waved palm leaves and tree branches and shouted praises at him. The donkey, the palm leaves, the shouts of praise…these all had deeper meanings that connected the scriptural prophecies from the Old Testament to the divine promises in the New. The crowd of people who shouted “Hosanna!” were declaring “Praise God, we are saved!” They recognized Jesus as messiah as he made his triumphal entry into the city that day. Our faithful God had kept his promise! Today, when we as Christians celebrate Palm Sunday, we are still praising and worshipping God for his faithfulness. For in the week ahead, we shift our focus to the suffering of Jesus on the cross through which he became Christ our Savior. This is WHY we celebrate Palm Sunday….even in the middle of a pandemic…especially in the middle of a pandemic!
How, though, can we worship and celebrate in the middle of this pandemic when we can’t gather for our customary activities? While the pandemic upsets and threatens our health, our way of life, our livelihood, and even our happiness, it should not affect our joy. The welcome arrival of Jesus that we celebrate on Palm Sunday reaches back to a Jewish festival called the Feast of Tabernacles, where all of Israel was to “rejoice before the Lord…for generations to come” (Leviticus 23:40-41). Israel acknowledged God’s provision during this feast, as well as his faithfulness for delivering them out of Egypt. Despite any trials or troubles ahead, this feast was a time of rejoicing. Thus, this is HOW we should celebrate Palm Sunday! We must REJOICE!
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)
Rejoice always? Yes! God is aware that we are all facing this pandemic in various ways. He is not looking for us to pretend that we are happy in the middle of so much devastating uncertainty. God is expecting us to live like we understand who He is to us as believers. If we are in right relationship with Him, we know the most high God to be our strength, our comforter, our provider, our protector, our healer, and our peace through these trying circumstances.
No matter how close to home this Coronavirus hits, we must rejoice on this Palm Sunday! Regardless of our circumstances, we must rejoice because God is faithful! Whether you wave a branch from a tree outside your home, a scarf or a towel from inside, the God-given palms on the underside of your own hands, and even if you are unable to wave anything at all, let your worship and celebration on Palm Sunday stem from a heartfelt shout of “Hosanna!” Because, no matter when or how this pandemic ends, every believer can rest in this promise: “Praise God! We are saved!”
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