“Only One Way”

What would you think of a doctor who, instead of telling you the truth, told you what you wanted to hear? “Oh, I see you’ve gained a little more weight. Even though belly bulge is a risk factor for heart disease, you will probably be alright. You seem as healthy as an ox otherwise.” And if believing that doctor’s softened diagnosis, you suddenly dropped dead, what would you think then?
Most of us would prefer the hard truth in a situation like that. “C’mon, doctor. Give it to me straight. What’s going on with me? What do I need to do?” But when it comes to the Gospel, some of us prefer to share a watered down version that is easier for the unchurched to accept. But like the doctor, when we don’t tell the whole hard truth, people will miss the fact that they are in danger of dying without the promise of eternal life.
And so the doctor tells you that if you don’t drop 50 pounds and change some of your lifestyle habits, you are most assuredly going to have a heart attack or a stroke. You could even die. You listen to the hard truth and strive to make the changes necessary so you might live.
How would you feel if you had to complete a very difficult task, but someone told you there’s a shortcut that will save you time and effort? How would you feel when you found out that the shortcut, while a much easier way, actually places you on a path to nowhere? So, imagine how disappointing it will be to those with which we share the Gospel when they discover we gave them a shortcut to salvation that doesn’t actually save them!
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
The hard truth of the Gospel—the one way to God—is extremely important to share with the unchurched. Every one of us has to understand how wretched and lost we are without Jesus as our Savior. We must resist the urge to try and soften the truth to make it easier to hear. We must not try to create a shortcut to God just to make it easier for people. It won’t work.
Springtime is here! As the Easter season quickly approaches, remember there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus! Share this truth and help someone come to Christ today.