“Love One Another”

The Gospel of John is widely accepted as the Apostle John’s record of the events that occurred on the last night before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In his account, he emphasized love. (Interestingly, we understand that it was God’s love for us that even had Jesus facing the cross on that night!) John relayed Jesus’ love for His disciples, and recorded how Jesus showed this love by washing the disciples’ feet. John recorded Jesus’ commandment that they love one another in the same way. In this particular scripture, Jesus’ commandment to “love one another” had a dual purpose. Not only was it to be done out of obedience, but it would also serve to let others know that they were Christians. John recognized the significance and the power of love as he recorded this commandment. John went on to author another epistle, 1 John, where he, again, emphasized love:
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.” —1 John 4:7(NIV)
In 1 John 4:7-14, in line with Jesus’ commandment, John encouraged true believers to “love one another”. When John wrote this epistle, some of the Jewish converts still held some of their ancient prejudices. They still considered it their duty to hate the heathen, even including those ex-heathens who had accepted Christ! John’s repeated stress of Christian love throughout this chapter is likely due to the need to remind these believers about God’s love. We don’t want to be guilty of the same type of high-mindedness where we look down on ex-heathens today! Every one of us is guilty of something for which God has forgiven us. Thanks be to God that we had the opportunity to receive the gift of salvation. And thanks be to God that we are now counted among the fellowship of believers.
That love Jesus talked about then, which was re-emphasized by John, is the same love we are to show one another even now. This Christian love is a love known only “in Christ”! This type of love is the gift of God himself that helps Christians to do the work of God here on earth! We are striving to minister to the total man, and in so doing, we must be unified under the umbrella of love.
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