“Let Our Light Shine”

“Put a locked gate at the entrance and keep out all the riffraff!”
This was a general idea around one way to insure the church’s property remained secure, particularly when no one was in the building. Stray people using the parking lot for their own personal use, like skateboarding, mopedding, or something much less appropriate, was an aggravating nuisance. Yet the image of a church set apart for the exclusive use of the members leaves no room for outsiders. It would effectively close us off from our community. A locked gate would set us up as an unwelcoming picture of Christ. Fortunately, our pastor was sensitive enough to the Holy Spirit to immediately remind us of our purpose in the community. Sure, we are a peculiar people, but “a locked gate is not the answer. We want to be a welcoming presence in our community”—a church that is both a refuge and a place of worship. We want to be a church where people can come, meet God, and be transformed! Hallelujah!
It is easy for a church to become secluded within the walls and within the relationships inside the church. We declare we are a family, and that probably feels very warm and inclusive to the members. However, the process it takes to become a part of that family can seem daunting—even moreso for those who haven’t been in church all of their lives. If we’re not careful, we can end up sending a “keep out” message to outsiders. The church will come across as exclusive instead of inclusive. We don’t want that! Instead, we want “whosever will” to feel welcome.
…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. – Matthew 5:16 (NIV)
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