“Hard Times: A Reason To Be Grateful”

Hard times can be unbelievably taxing. Depending on what is actually causing you heartache, you are no doubt feeling a lot of emotions—from sad, exhausted and energy-depleted to angry, bitter, regretful and more.
That makes it more important than ever to be grateful for the good parts of your life as they have the incredible power to help guide you through any difficult experience. Here are three things you can do that will help.
Recognize the Good: Trouble has a way of making us forget that there is anything good going on in our lives. That’s why you must take time out of each day to recognize the good parts of your life. Some people call it “gratitude”. It is important to think on the good things, no matter how ordinary they might seem. Consider buying yourself a journal or notebook and make a point to write down the things in your life for which you are grateful. Writing them down makes them real. The number of things on your list might even surprise you once you write them down.
Refocus on the Good: God created us with a wide range of emotions. It is important to give yourself the permission to be sad, angry or upset when times are hard, but don’t linger in it too long. Make a point to quickly re-center yourself and refocus on the good parts of your life. I call it “processing” things. Once you have let yourself feel the emotions, though, refocus. That way you are never sad or upset for too long. Spend time with people you love, and who love you. Spend time with God, and allow him to help you.
Create More Good: Once you have allowed yourself to process emotions and have come to a point where you can be more easily grateful for the good in your life, it’s incredibly important to pay it forward so you can help others going through hard times in their lives. It can help you to gain some perspective when you can come to a point where you realize that others might be worse off than you. No matter how hard times get, you can begin to create more positivity in your life going forward.
The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ – eternal and glorious plans they are! – will have you put together and on your feet for good. –Peter 5:10 (MSG)