“Happy 10th Anniversary”

“…and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. —Matthew 16:18b (NIV)
It was during the week leading up to Sunday, August 30, 2009, that Pastor Smith led us into the new church building. Those of us who were here during that time should recall the zeal and excitement we felt. God had favored our pastor and our congregation. Since that time, God has continued to show us favor. He has continued to sustain us. He has continued to bless our congregation in many ways, starting with our pastor! Praise God!
All around us there are people who are hurting and defeated. There are people who are discouraged, sad, lonely and depressed. These people will continue to live this way until we demonstrate to them a much better way. We must show them the hope of life in Christ Jesus! It is for those who are still lost and in need of a Savior that we have to find continued zeal for ministry. And that’s why the Pastor’s vision is about more than a building!
Our prayer today must be one of thanksgiving, for God has surely done a marvelous thing in the building and sustainment of our church. Let this day also include a call to continue the work of the ministry. Let us all do our part in helping this church to fulfill the vision of ministering to the Total Man. Ask your ministry leader how you can help? And if you are not actively involved in a ministry here, that should be your next step.