“Gratitude for our Fathers”

“For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” (Gen. 18:19 NIV)
Father Abraham…I recall singing a song as a child about this great father of many nations. The blessings on this man of great faith can be ours as heirs to the promises of God. This scripture speaks to us today, especially the fathers.
From Genesis and the time of Adam, God has given men great responsibilities. Fatherhood is one of them. As citizens of the kingdom of God, we all have certain rights and obligations. But it is men, especially fathers, who God chose and gave the responsibility to “direct his children and his household”. God expects godly fathers to direct them in the ways of the Lord. And there is a blessing for fathers who fulfill their responsibilities.
Fathers, along with their mothers, have a role in making sure that what goes on in their home honors God. It begins with their decision to serve the Lord. Joshua understood all too well that he had a great responsibility as the father and head of his household. He didn’t try to pressure people outside of his house, but he was clear that his entire household, which included his wife and children and all of his servants, had to serve the Lord.
“But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” (Josh. 24:15b NIV)
As we learned from Genesis 18, a good father who directs his household well will enjoy the promises of God. So, fathers, be encouraged. Becoming a father is easier than being a father. Did you catch that? Becoming a father is easier than BEING a father. Fathers have all sorts of concerns! They have to provide and protect and guide and lead. The father’s job is difficult. But God’s Word is full of promises that should give fathers wisdom and strength for their great responsibility.
To all of the fathers, we acknowledge your hard work and your desire to lead your children in the right way. We appreciate you for the roles you play in our families and in our church. We love you and we are praying for you. Happy Father’s Day!