“Don’t just pretend to love others”

Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. – Romans 12:9
Every once in a while, one of my girls will exclaim “Fake love!” It’s usually because I had a particularly busy day and was especially slow in responding to their texts. Of course they’re joking with me. Of course they know I am especially fond of both of them. Of course they know my love is not fake. With Valentines Day approaching, I thought it was a good time to focus on love…real love.
How often do you really love other people? This verse talks about not pretending to love others, but to really love them. What does real love look like?
Real love looks out for what is best for the other person. It doesn’t just say and do what makes other people happy. Real love stays the same. It doesn’t change based on how someone treats you or how you feel. When you love someone with God’s love, it doesn’t matter how that person responds, rather what matters is how you respond.
Real love, the God kind of love, isn’t always easy to live out. It takes guts. It takes putting aside what feels right at the moment and responding to that person in love. When you choose to love, it makes a difference, especially to those who don’t know Christ. So, here’s your challenge: Choose to demonstrate crazy love today to someone who might be hurting. You never know who you might win for Christ by choosing to love!
And if nobody told you today… I love you! (Smiles to Bro. Tony Henderson!)