Feb '20

“Do it All for the Glory of God”
Feb '20

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” –1 Corinthians 10:31
What is the difference between 4-wheel drive and 2-wheel drive? The primary and most obvious difference is that a vehicle with 4-wheel drive has all four wheels mechanically linked to the engine working to pull it, while the other type has only two wheels doing the bulk of the work.
As a church family, we are determined to work towards fulfilling the Vision for our church. That is a collective effort. But do we have 4-wheel drive or two? In other words, are we all linked to the “engine” that empowers us to do what we are purposed to do or are just some of us engaged in doing the bulk of the work? Sure, all 4 wheels turn and the whole vehicle ultimately gets to its destination, but why not have all four wheels linked to the power and sharing in the work? Our impact on behalf of God would be even greater!
We want to minister to the total man here at New Cedar Grove. Fulfilling this church’s mission has many elements—some that involve bringing people to the church and some that require us to go out into the world. The Great Commission makes it necessary for us to do a bit of both. Either way, we want to help connect people to Christ! While we acknowledge that this Vision 2020 theme of ministering to the total man is a church-based effort, it must happen in conjunction with our individual efforts.
Each one of us has individual talents and skills that we can use to the glory of God! Each of us must be working to be engaged and empowered to do this ministry work. This idea of being engaged in the work of this church and being empowered by the Holy Spirit to do this great work must permeate our lifestyles if we are to be individually effective. Our individual effectiveness will impact the whole ministry effort! Imagine our impact if more of us were doing all for the glory of God!
We must be individually linked to the “engine”, and we must be aligned with the church’s ministry efforts. Like a 4-wheel drive vehicle, the ride is smoother when all four wheels are in alignment. Without this alignment, we might be lamenting our ineffectiveness this time next year! Each of us should be seeking to answer these questions: “What is my individual role in ministering to the total man? How can I be linked to the “engine” that powers the drive of this church’s ministry effort? What do I need to do…today…right now?”
As you seek answers to these important questions, remember the challenge for today: “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God!”
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