“COVID-19 Update”

We have been monitoring the situation around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) for the past few weeks. Up until this point, our church has continued to operate as usual, with a few reasonable adjustments. After much prayer and considering the global recommendations, we have made the decision to suspend all church services and activities through March 22, 2020. We have done so with our most vulnerable church and community members in mind.
We will continue to monitor the situation and make a determination on all of our services and activities on a weekly basis, so be sure to stay connected and informed. As this situation progresses and conditions continue to change,
– We will post information and calendar updates on our website and on social media.
– We will push notifications about any updates out to those who have downloaded the church app.
– We will continue to provide an opportunity for study, prayer, and worship through tools and resources on our website; stay tuned for more information about ‘Sermon-On-Demand’.
– We will continue to utilize the Family Ministry plan for the benefit of the congregation.
– We will remain available to assist, where possible, those in our community impacted by recent events.
As a loving fellowship of believers concerned with our whole community, we recognize that we have an opportunity and a responsibility to respond during this crisis in a way that demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ accompanied by a confident faith in God. We will not be overcome by fear and we will not lose heart. This Coronavirus pandemic is disrupting routines and threatening lives in ways we have never experienced before. If ever there was a time for the church to serve as an encouraging beacon of light, it is now. We will be praying for the world, those serving on the front lines of this crisis, government and health authorities, and all those directly affected by this virus. Please return regularly to this website for more information and updates.
With sincere love,
Copyright ©2020 New Cedar Grove Baptist Church. All rights Reserved.
Sermons from those television preachers are ok but I would love a sermon from my pastor. My pastor’s prayers and sermons are far more effective than other preachers are. I would tune in if pastor went live on FB or any social media communication. Just a thought