“An important role in the process of worship.”

Ushers & greeters play an important role in the process of worship in the house of the Lord . These gatekeepers and doorkeepers originated from amongst the Levites. In 2 Chronicles 8:14 and 23:18-19, you can find a reference to the role of ushers as gatekeepers.
Old Testament ushers were the overseers that David had assigned for service at the gates in the Lord’s temple. Some of their duties as keepers of the temple gates are well known, such as literally being in charge of who gets to enter in and handling disruptions. Other duties are less known, like going in before high-ranking people to clear the way and literally striking down those who went beyond their rightful place in the temple. Ushers in scripture had many duties, and they sometimes had to wield weapons to carry them out. It was the ushers’ responsibility to make certain proper reverence was used in worship of the Lord upon entering the temple. Can you imagine one of our ushers brandishing a sword as you tried to enter the sanctuary unprepared for worship?
David and Nehemiah relied on the Levites as gatekeepers to serve the Lord in all of their many duties, much like our Pastor relies on the ushers and greeters today. Ushers today still have a hefty task of helping the worship leaders set the atmosphere for worship and to carry out certain other responsibilities. (Just watch them in action today.) Although the various duties have changed somewhat, the essence is still the same. Worshippers arrive at church in all sorts of conditions. I, myself, am guilty of arriving at church in a rush—all busy and unfocused—and it takes me a few minutes to shift my mindset off of my tasks and into worship. But we should all think about the usher’s role in our church and also about how we hinder or help them in the discharge of their duties.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds — Hebrews 10:23-24
God’s Word tells us to “spur one another on”. When we approach the Lord’s house ready to worship God, we help make the Usher’s job a bit easier. More importantly, we glorify God when we approach His presence with a healthy reverence and ready for worship. Let us encourage our ushers and greeters, as God-ordained servants, to continue serving the Lord. God will get the glory when we do.