Prophetess Venerria B. Smith, a native of Clarksdale, Mississippi, was the youngest daughter out of 13 children born to the late Clarence and Tessie Betts. She was raised under the admonition of Jesus Christ and was baptized at the age of 12.
She was called into the ministry in 1985. After two years of deliberation, she acknowledged God’s call. She was licensed and ordained in 1988 by Rev. Virgil Caldwell, pastor of New Monumental Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Following the death of the pastor at that time, she served a brief interim term and was officially installed as the pastor of Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church later that same year.

Pastor Smith has served our congregation, now called New Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church, as one of its most dynamic leaders for the past 34 years. Since becoming the pastor, Reverend Smith has been a driving force of spiritual leadership. Under her guidance, New Cedar Grove continues to progress towards the vision God has given her for the church. She embodies the very meaning of servant-leader, and sets a Christ-like example for others to follow. Because of her love for God’s people, she establishes and oversees ministries designed to minister to the total man. She tirelessly led the church’s efforts at building a new edifice to house its many ministries. The fruit of her labor is the New Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church edifice which stands adjacent to the historic original building. She will not rest until the full vision is realized, and every member of the community can find a ministry to meet their spiritual and physical needs.
In October 2015, Pastor Smith was established as a prophet of the Lord God—one who carries the authority to speak messages of grace and revelation, of edification and direction, and also of correction.
We thank God for Prophetess Smith’s faithfulness as a preacher, a pastor, and a prophetess. As we pray for her strength and endurance, we pray that we are consistently receptive to the messages God sends through this loyal prophet.