A Very Strong Message for Sharing the Gospel

“Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” —-Psalm 96:3
Have you ever been driving and then pass by a policeman with his speed gun pointed at the traffic coming from the opposite direction? Have you ever flashed your lights so people would slow down and avoid getting a ticket? If so, you were essentially warning them of something to come that would not go well for them. Most of us would do that without thinking twice about it. Why are many of us more concerned about a traffic stop than people’s potential for eternity in hell?!
We have to remember that life comes to an end for everyone. One thing is clear: We all will die and eternity some place. Ecclesiastes 3:1–2 tells us, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die.”
Jesus spent more time talking about Hell than anyone else. Of the forty parables He told, more than half of them relate to God’s eternal judgment of sinners. Hell is a real place for real people. It is as real as heaven! Therefore, one of the strongest motivations for out getting out there to share the gospel should be so people won’t go to Hell. That is the bottom line. If we tell people they will have fulfillment, peace, and joy if they believe in Jesus, while that is true, it isn’t the most significant part of the message. The greatest aspect of the gospel, which means “good news,” is that we don’t have to go to Hell. Instead, we can go to Heaven. Where would you be headed if nobody had shared the Gospel message with you? If you know people who aren’t Christians, then they are headed to Hell. The question is what are you doing to reach them?
“It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment”. Hebrews 9:27
The Great Commission requires that we do more than share the Gospel message. We are to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples, and so on and so forth. But as we grow into a better understanding about discipleship and what it really means to make disciples, we must consider how important it is for us to share the Gospel. In other words, while we are learning and growing into disciples who make disciples, we should continue to share the Gospel message.